Something You Ain’t Got: Journal Of A Closeted Tranny

Posts Tagged ‘laser hair removal

My daughter had a a show from The Entertainment Network on.  It was on the different plastic surgery operations various stars have had.

I have various takes on this, but I won’t get into all of them.  I will get into the one that I think is pertinent here.

I was going on about how there’s no reason for the plastic surgery and how by getting plastic surgery, the stars are basically saying there’s something wrong about having a big nose and weighing more than others.

I feel that if the stars want to get plastic surgery, that it is their choice.  But I feel it sends a bad message.

And I have to admit that I was getting a bit self-righteous.  Fortunately, my daughter pretty thinks along the same line.  She’s short, and if somebody doesn’t like the way she is, my daughter basically feels they can stuff it!

And I was feeling pretty good and proud.


Then later, when I was getting into feminine mode, I realized what a hypocrite I was being.

I was plucking my eyebrows!  And shaving a second time that day, and covering my beardline with make-up!

What happened to the idea that men should accept women the way they are!

There is a member in my transgender support group who is balding but still has grown her out and wears skirts. Maybe she should be our role model.


But I never denied the fact that I plan on getting breast surgery someday.  I’m a big girl, and I want my breasts to match my size!

I could make the arguments that if I was given the right genes, I would have bigger breasts and thinner eyebrows and less hairy body.  But a lot of genetic women can make the very same argument!


And why are we all doing all this?  To try to get closer to a feminine ideal!  The same reason a lot of women get plastic surgery!

If I really believe that men should accept women the way they are, shouldn’t they accept transsexual women the way they are too!  Why should I be plucking my eyebrows?

So I don’t know.  Plastic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons seems to be overdoing it.  But who say where we draw the line?

I’m still getting those breasts some day.  I’m still going to laser my hair eventually!  So I guess in the end, I really don’t have much room to speak!

May 2024

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